Join us for drinks, dinner, and a wonderful evening of Mandala Painting with Mela Delgado at Toby’s Feed Barn, 11250 California 1, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 from 5-8 PM.
Category: Artists In the Schools
The Art of Repujado: A Fundraiser for Artists In the Schools
Thursday, June 16, 5-8pm, Toby’s Gallery, Pt Reyes Station – Please join us for tacos, music, and a wonderful evening of artmaking with (multicultural) folk artist Rachel-Anne Palacios’ to help us raise money for Gallery Route One’s Artists In the Schools program.
Artists In the Schools 2021-22
Gallery Route One is proud to present Artists In the Schools (AIS) with new artists and theme for 2021-22. Water, Wind and Visualizing the Unseen is the theme of GRO’s Artists in the School’s program for 2021-22. The theme embraces awareness of the change our world is...

“THE SEED, CYCLES OF LIFE” 2020-2021 AIS Exhibition @ Toby’s Art Gallery
On exhibit Thursday, June 3 – Tuesday, June 22 TOBY’S ART GALLERY, 11250 Highway One, Point Reyes Station, CA “THE SEED, CYCLES OF LIFE” 2020-2021 ANNUAL ARTISTS IN THE SCHOOLS EXHIBITIONVirtual reception and Teaching Artist Talks: Sunday, June 6, 1 pm In-person...

Meet Gabriella Giuliani, Director of Artists in the Schools
Gabriella Giuliani has been hard at work preparing to launch Gallery Route One's Artists in the Schools Program, collecting art materials to distribute when a new series of online art classes begin. Gabriella lives in San Francisco, close to Ocean Beach and Golden...

The Makers Class at West Marin School
The Maker's class at West Marin School. In the photos: building hydraulic robotic hands!!

A Decade with AIS
A very special AIS 25th birthday celebration and tribute to Madeline Neito Hope, Fri., June 15th, 2018 The AIS program has been shepherded by Madeline Nieto Hope for the last decade. This year the program passed from Madeline’s loving hands to local sculptor and...

Birding in the Giacomini Wetlands
Apr 10, 2018 / Third Graders visited the Giacomini Wetlands and learned about birding as part of GRO's Artists in the Schools Program. Students will be showing their work at Toby's Gallery in June. GRO's Latino Photography Project students went along and took...

A New Coordinator for AIS
Joe Fox is the new coordinator for Gallery Route One’s Artists in the Schools program, replacing Madeline Hope who will continue to work in the program. Joe, who lives in Point Reyes, is also a new artist member of Gallery Route One. Joe recently gave this report...

Finding Meaning
Gallery Route One’s Artists in the Schools and Latino Photography Project present their Annual Art installation at Toby’s Feed Barn Art Gallery, 11250 Highway One Point Reyes Station through June 30.

YOur Climate: People, Peace & Planet!
In 2015-16 AIS focused on Earth’s Atmospheric Climate and the human Social Climate

Sixth Grade class visits the Legion of Honor
Chris Eckert’s 6th grade class visited the Legion of Honor in San Francisco for an educational tour of the Museum. West Marin Schools’ art teacher, Colleen Conley and AIS will move forward with a clay project that will task the young artists to consider what items can...

Science Camp
November, 2015. At Clem Miller Science Camp Jason Green got students excited about producing this mandala of natural materials — beautiful and ephemeral –in the manner of Andy Goldsworthy.

Tree People
During the 2014-2015 school year students at West Marin school learned how people and trees are alike. The installation at Toby's gallery featured some colorful Tree People and an awesome painting of a giant Redwood tree. Self-Portraits from Vickisa's annual...