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11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

When looking at one of my pieces either monumental or modest in scale, I want you to sense that the particular and universal are accessible to you, and are also present in every living thing, every person that you see. To recognize unfathomable uniqueness while understanding our interconnectedness is a basic premise of Zen Buddhism and an underlying theme in my work. I am interested in the phenomenon of opposites existing in the same moment, in the same image and in the ambiguity that this engenders: creation or destruction? lightness or substance? astral or terrestrial?

Experimentation with materials and process, is central to my work. In my latest series strong texture is used to create sky-scapes, which are generally thought to be ephemeral. How can a sky be so textural? How can the texture have the quality of changing light? What am I really looking at? I want you to confront the idea that everything can be perceived in multiple and sometimes arbitrary ways

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