Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Gallery Route One artist membership is open to all professional artists living in the greater San Francisco Bay area. We review artists working in all media including video and installation, but not crafts. Applications are reviewed quarterly by a panel of GRO artist members.

Deadlines for each quarter are: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31.

There is a $15 portfolio review fee. After an initial screening, applicants may be asked to bring in three pieces of current artwork for jury review. The final stage in the application process is a personal interview.

Applications are judged on:

  • Quality of the artwork
  • Dedication to artistic practice
  • Professional presentation of artwork and resume
  • Applicant’s willingness to work in a collaborative way with other artists.
  • Applicant’s willingness and ability to support  gallery programming by paying dues and performing tasks necessary for running a professional art gallery including gallery staffing and committee participation.

New members commit to an 18 month initial membership, which includes ­­­paying dues for the entire 18 months, performing gallery tasks, gallery staffing, and attending quarterly member meetings. All members are required to sign a ­­Membership Contract. 

Dual Membership: Artists may request to join as a Dual Member, essentially sharing the benefits, cost and responsibilities of a single membership with another artist. The application is the same for full or dual membership.

All applications are online at (link below). To prepare your online application you will need:

  • Current resume in .pdf or .docx format
  • A brief statement about your artwork/process
  • A brief statement about why you wish to join Gallery Route One as an Artist Member
  • 10 images of your recent artwork in .jpeg format (2mb maximum per image)
  • Give each image a filename in this format:
  • A personal reference.
  • Links to your website or blog (optional)

Use our contact form under the “About Us” menu for questions about GRO Artist Membership.

Download the Prospectus

Click the button below to begin your application. Applications can be saved and returned to if not immediately completed.


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