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11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Latino Photography Project Archive

She Inspires Me / Ella Me Inspira: now a book

She Inspires Me / Ella Me Inspira: now a book

BOOK SOLD OUT  Participating photographers: Ana Maria Ramirez, Augustina Martinez, Betty Gomez, Gisela Alvarado, Isela Orozco, Jessica Oliva, Maricela Mora, Rosa Rodriguez, and Tere Gutierrez The...

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Ella Me Inspira / She Inspires Me

Ella Me Inspira / She Inspires Me

Nueve Fotografas Latinas y las mujeres que las inspiran / Nine Latina Photographers and the women who inspire themPhotographic portraits of North Bay women in positions of leadership For the past...

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A Través de Nuestros Ojos / Through Our Eyes

A Través de Nuestros Ojos / Through Our Eyes

Project Space April 6 – May 13, 2012: A Través de Nuestros Ojos (Through our Eyes). The photographers: Gisela Alvarado, Ariana Aparicio, Mario Garcia, Imelda Macias, Agustina Martinez, Maricela Mora, Francisco Olea, Rubén Robledo, Martina Roque, Juanita Romo

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Mirando en Verde / Seeing In Green

Mirando en Verde / Seeing In Green

October 30–November 6, 2009. On the theme of sustainablity; students had the dual challenge of documenting science and making art, and they succeeded at both.

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Where We Live

Bridge Builders

Who Opens the Doors of the Town in the Morning?

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