11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday


Coveney, John – Love Unboxed 2021

Story of the Box

This is John Coveney’s sixth entry in The Box Show, the fifth in a series with a word or letters as the motif.

The first, “Love Letters – a maquette” explored the idea of that word not being able to fit in a box., The next year, 2018, the letters spelled more topically “VOTE”, then to be followed by “WTF”.
Last year’s “think” (with all its letters outside the box) graced the virtual gallery walls.

This year Robert Indiana’s iconic four letter design is more obviously an inspiration, but with the artist’s own take on the concept.

John Coveney is a multimedia artist- a sculptor, bricoleur, impresario, and social alchemist, to name a few identities. A flaneur, trans-gressive in his dress up, he has for a long time enjoyed being different.

Art is a process of exploration, a willingness to see things differently than you first perceived.

Look me up on Facebook, Instagram, and at johncoveney.com

NOTE: This sculpture works equally well as a wall hanging. The stand makes it easier to set up for display and transportation.


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