11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday


Ludlow, Dennis & Sereno, Prartho – Staircase to the Microcosm

STAIRCASE to the sea of the MICROCOSM,
Representation of the GOLDEN MEAN

By: Dennis Ludlow & Prartho Sereno

Since I was a kid, fairy tales that described finding a hidden staircase underground fascinated me, still does. I wanted this box to spark that mystery when opened. The staircase is constructed of blocks that correspond to the GOLDEN MEAN, a ratio of 0.618. The mirror was my way to illustrate that the staircase not only descends infinitely in the direction of the Microcosm but simultaneously in the direction of the Macrocosm. (As Above … so Below)

Prartho’s painting of the depths of the sea is an illustration, a tribute to where life first arrived on the planet.

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