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11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

historic photo of rancher Fred Genazzi (left) and a contemporary image of Terry Shea (right) by Gisela Alvarado

Inspired by historic photographs taken around the Point Reyes peninsula in the 19th and early 20th century, members of the Latino Photography Project replicated historic scenes in the same or similar manner in the present. The historic image and the LPP photographer’s interpretation are presented side-by-side, such as the historic photo of rancher Fred Genazzi (left) and a contemporary image of Terry Shea (right) by Gisela Alvarado. Now and Then was exhibited at the Jack Mason Museum in Inverness in 2019 and was scheduled to be shown at the Point Reyes Library on April 2, 2020. Below are more photographs from this exhibition.

2020 Latino Photo Project: Gisela Alvarado, Beatriz Gomez, Teresa Jesus Gutierrez, Agustina Martinez, Maricela Mora, Jessica Oliva, Isela Orozco, Ana Maria Ramirez, Rosa Rodriguez

Inspirados en fotos históricas tomadas alrededor de la península de Point Reyes en el siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, los fotógrafos de LPP replicaron escenas históricas de la misma manera en el presente.

Tanto la imagen histórica como la interpretación del fotógrafo actual se presentan lado a lado, como la foto histórica del ranchero Fred Genazzi (izquierda) y una imagen contemporánea de Terry Shea (derecha) tomada por Gisela Alvarado. Ahora y Entonces (Now and Then) se exhibió en el Museo Jack Mason en Inverness en 2019 y estaba programado para mostrarse en la Biblioteca Point Reyes en abril de 2020.


L: Historic Photo, R: Maricela Mora, Jose Milking Cows

Above: Historic Photo, Below: Rosa Rodriguez, Herd Crossing the Road

Above: Historic Photo; Below: Human Chain, Maricela Mora

L: Historic Photo; R: Jessica Olivia,Janeth y Jackelyn Lopez

L: Historic Photo; R: Beatriz Gomez, La Familia

Above: Historic Photo, Below: Gisela Alvarado, Elk

L: Historic Photo; R: Rosa-Rodriguez, Hombres de West Marin, 2019 

L: Theresa de Jesus Gutierrez, Baby in Stroller, 2019l; R: Historic photo

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