Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Timeframe: For Fall/Winter 2019 and early 2020
Application deadline: October 29, 2018 / Fee: $10

The Project Space is an exhibition area within Gallery Route One, presenting themed exhibitions. We invite exhibition proposals from artists working in all fine arts media including video and installation; no production crafts.

To be considered for an exhibition, artists must address one of the three themes listed below. We encourage interactive work that engages gallery visitors. We also look for artwork that expresses the crux of the artist’s concerns within the artwork itself and is not dependent on extensive textual documentation.

 Proposals that do not address these themes will not be reviewed.

Theme 1: WITH THE EARTH: Arts and the Environment: Artwork or installations that address current and urgent environmental issues, whether local or global.

Theme 2: FAR FROM HOME:Artwork or installations concerned with immigration, exile, diaspora by artists who are either foreign-born or whose parents or grandparents were immigrants. We seek artists whose work represents their own experience and that of their own families, rather than artwork concerning other populations.

Theme 3: SOCIAL JUSTICE:Artists have the means to present social justice issues in an open context. We ask that artists speak for themselves, represent broad issues on behalf of many, and not attempt to represent a group to which they cannot claim membership.

Please prepare the following materials for submission:

–10 images in .jpeg format, no larger than 2MB overall size per image; up to 3 video clips not more than 5 mins. in length each.
— Artist statement about your philosophy and approach to creating your art
— Brief statement outlining how your work fits a Project Space theme.
— Résumé of your education, exhibitions, and work history
— Links to your blog, web sites (optional).

Download a copy of this prospectus.

 For more information.

Apply to this call:

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