Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station, California is seeking exhibition proposals for its Project Space, an exhibition area for visiting artists. Exhibitions will take place in late 2021 and through 2022. There is a $20 submission fee.

All Project Space exhibitions must address one of the themes listed below. Proposals that do not directly address one of these themes will not be reviewed.

Proposals may be for exhibitions of artwork or installations by one or several artists. If several artists are involved, the lead artist should apply on behalf of the group but include the names and resumes of any artists working on the project.

Theme 1: WITH THE EARTH: Arts and the Environment.

Artwork and/or installations that address current and urgent environmental issues, whether local or global. We believe that art can evoke a visceral response to our urgent situation which scientific data often dilutes.

Theme 2: FAR FROM HOME: Artwork and/or installations concerned with immigration, exile, diaspora. We look for artists who are either foreign-born or whose parents or grandparents were immigrants. However, because migrants are being met here and worldwide with resistance and violence, we will also look for less personally-based proposals.

Theme 3: SOCIAL JUSTICE: Artists have a unique point of view within contemporary society and possess the means to present social justice concerns in a fresh context. We ask that artists present broad issues on behalf of many, and not attempt to represent a single group to which they cannot claim membership.

We invite exhibition proposals from artists working in all fine arts media including video and installation, but no crafts.

We encourage interactive work that invites an exchange of ideas with gallery visitors.m

All proposals must be submitted online via Use the link at the bottom of this page to begin your application. Incomplete applications may be saved and completed later.

Prepare the following material to include in your submission:

 – 10 images of your art in .jpeg format, no larger than 3MB overall size per image at highest quality jpeg compression.

– Up to 3 Video clips; must not be more than 5 mins. in length each.

– Sculptors may submit one additional view of each piece.

– An artist statement outlining your philosophy and approach to creating your art (500 words or less).

– A statement outlining how your proposal aligns with one of the Project Space themes. (500 words or less).

– A résumé of your education, exhibitions, and work history, along with links to your website and/or blog. Résumés of collaborating artists.

For more information or questions please use our contact form.

Download a PDF version of this Call to Artists


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