Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

September 14 – October 20, 2024

Gallery Route One presents Beholding Healer Archetypes, an exhibit offering archetypal healers in a cavernous installation as an essential and existential response to the challenges we are facing on planetary, political and spiritual level.

Healers arise as a recurring theme in the West Marin artist’s painting practice. Spanning four decades, the exhibited paintings and prints represent a “personal pantheon of transmissions from the healers and guides that I have received in various modalities of delivery: through the gently spoken word, through anger, tears, laughter, meditation, physical activity, or within a deep dream state,” the artist explains. “I offer these archetypal healers as an essential and existential response to the challenges that humans now face on planetary, political and personal-spiritual levels.”

In the exhibit, viewers are invited to enter into silence, into a cave within, into a reverie of dreams, to remember oneself and to receive the earth’s counsel. The artist further explains, “the arising healers each offer their particular flavor of guidance, from compassion and clarity, to wisdom, luminosity, and wise action.”

Recalling Robert Motherwell’s personal description of the creative process, the paintings that have emerged through the artist’s experience have “also in some sense painted me. My intention is that others may receive spiritual benefit from my work.”
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