Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

March 23 – April 28, 2024

Patti Trimble writes and paints as a means to think holistically about wildernesses, climate, and social-environmental aspects of the anthropocene. Her poems and essay have been widely published, and she performs her lyric poems/spoken word—often with music—in the USA and Europe, with recordings on Spotify and Apple. 

In an earlier lifetime, Patti studied environmental science at UC Berkeley.  Then, through the 1980s, Patti lived in Manhattan, where she exhibited paintings and worked as studio assistant for ten years to James Brooks, Hedda Sterne, and Richard Pousette-Dart, three ab-ex founders of the New York School. She earned an MFA in painting from Hunter CUNY Graduate Program, sold work through Kathryn Markel Gallery, and was nominated for a painting award from the Academy of Arts and Letters. 

Her painting practice is in part a freedom from category and explanation, moving toward methods and variable eccentric content that poetry allows. Her paintings also bring forward her mentors’ teachings in new ways, connecting existential themes, a curiosity about things that can’t be said, and inquiries though the act of painting.

This is the first exhibit of her ongoing project The History of Nature, and the inquiry will continue . . . 

Listen to poems and see paintings at:
Instagram: patti_trimble

Patti Trimble is a 2024 Visiting Artist
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