Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

October 28 – December 3, 2023

Gallery Route One presents Following Orders by artist member, Steven Hurwitz. This exhibit of painted wood constructions is an investigation of the vertical line, as well as how these works connect though disparate.

Hurwitz states, “…as disparate as the various groups are, they do have more in common than what separates them. I see them as harmonious, orderly, and agreeable; intellectual, and softened by inherent imprecision. They’re like slightly intoxicated cousins at a family gathering reminiscing about the good old days.”

Hurwitz also admits to a rather romantic notion of the artist, working alone in his or her studio where one doesn’t worry about permission in creation, left to grapple with heir contradictions about present and historical aspects of art making.

“For me, it’s personal,” the artist states. “There are so many ways to find meaning beyond the getting and spending of daily life. I’m satisfied with this one.”

Steven Hurwitz grew up in a small Ohio town bordered to the North by Lake Erie and to the South by corn fields. Living a life of constant reinvention, Hurwitz was briefly a criminal defense attorney and ended 20 years of educational programing by enrolling at the San Francisco Art Institute. The artist manufactured women’s clothing for many years and brokered expensive automobiles. All these identities inform his art in one way or another.

“Maybe it was those upright fields of Ohio corn that gave birth to my stripe paintings? I know this show is deeply rooted in the same sense of order that attracted me to an austere life at Culver Military Academy.”

To view more of Hurwitz’ work

Exhibition press release
More @ GRO: Steven Hurwitz

Walk Through

Walk Through Vide
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