Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

January 22—February 26, 2022

The juried exhibition theme is based upon the words of Martha Graham, preeminent dancer of the 20th century. She describes the sense of unrest that stems from the insistent need to delve ever deeper into creative work, while also understanding that any final satisfaction with the artwork itself will remain endlessly elusive. In conversation with biographer Agnes de Mille, Graham refers to “…a vitality, a life force, an energy…” that is the foundational source for creative endeavors.

Participating Artists include Michael Acker, Nicole Irene Anderson, Pat Augsburger, Monica Bryant, Marna Clarke, Ellen Coffey, Helen Cohen, Ann Dodge, Brittany Eaton, Laurence Elias, Julia Feldman, Douglas Gilmour, Wendy Goldberg, Annette Goodfriend, Timothy Graveson, Jenny-Lynn Hall, Katinka Hartmetz, Steven Hurwitz, Stephanie Lister, Linda MacDonald, Teddy Milder, Ann Phelan, Miranda Putman, Cooper Salmon, Francesca Saveri, Igor Sazevich, Adam Shemper, Will Thoms, Stephanie Thwaites, Paulette Traverso, Patti Trimble and Shane Weare.

The exhibition was juried by Jack Fischer of Jack Fischer Gallery in San Fransisco.

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