Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Juror: Jack Fischer, Jack Fischer Gallery, 1275 Minnesota Street, San Francisco

No artist is pleased … there is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive. – Martha Graham


Exhibition Dates: January 22–February 26, 2022
Reception and Awards: Saturday, January 22, 3 PM
Entry Deadline: Midnight, Friday, November 12, 2021
Notification of acceptance or exclusion via email by the second week of December.

Eligibility: All Northern California Artists
Media: All media except video, crafts, installation
Size: Not to exceed 5’ (60”) in any direction
Entry Fee: $15 for each artwork submitted; four artworks maximum
Deliver work: All work must be hand delivered on Sunday, January 16, 10 am-5 pm OR Monday, January 17, 10 am-2pm. No mail-ins or shipping.
Pickup unsold work: Sunday, February 27, 10am-5pm or by appointment Monday, February 28. All work must be picked up, no returns via mail.

APPLICATION: Online only, through GRO’s website or at Payment is through PayPal. You do not need to set up an account; you may use PayPal to make a one time payment with a credit card.

JURYING PROCESS: Jurying will be from digital images: Upload jpgs only. Other formats (pdf, tiff, png) will not be accepted. Image size: 2- 5 MB. Maximum
AWARDS: Juror will select one Best of Show to be awarded $300, and three non-cash Awards of Merit.

ACCEPTED WORK: Artwork must be clean, framed, wired and ready to hang or place on a base. Paint and any other materials must be dry. Each artwork must be clearly labeled on the back or bottom of the piece with the following information:


INSURANCE: GRO does not offer insurance to cover your artwork. If you require insurance for your piece, feel free to pursue this on your own.

SALES: Gallery Route One’s commission is 45%. Work will be for sale at the price indicated by the artist upon submission of entry, plus tax. Sale of artwork is subject to GRO’s commis- sion until the end of the exhibit.

A STATEMENT FROM JACK FISCHER: Approximately 20 years ago I wanted to open a gallery that showed both so-called “outsider” artists and “insider” artists, the former being artists with some “disability” that would keep them from the usual art school route, “insiders” being art school graduates. My favorite exhibitions are when I can pair up an “outsider” with an “insider” in a two or three person show without making a distinction. My hope is that none is needed, that the work speaks for itself.
I have been very lucky in that I have been able to work with non-profit centers that provide a safe environment and materials to these members of our community. Centers such as Creativity Explored, NIAD, Creative Growth and others in other parts of the globe. I have also been fortunate to work with a varied group of artists in various stages of their careers.


ABOUT GALLERY ROUTE ONE: The artists at GRO believe that art can be a powerful force for change, and that artists have much to contribute to the dialogue about critical problems we face as a society. Our Mission: to originate and present contemporary art exhibitions, educational programs and community outreach in order to inspire people to experience the world in new ways.

GRO was founded by 25 artists in 1983, and currently maintains a membership of 20 plus artists. Our Board of Directors is drawn from interested community members, including artists. The organiza- tion supports two exhibition programs: member exhibitions in the Center and Annex Galleries and Project Space exhibitions, featuring guest artists in the Project Space.

GRO presents art in all media, including installation, but does not show crafts. GRO presents panel discussions, artist talks and supports two community outreach programs: Artists in the Schools and the Latino Photography Project. Artist members support the organization through dues and volunteer work, including staffing the gallery. GRO is supported by donors contributions from the community and the West Marin Fund, Marin Community Foundation and the Stuart Foundation.
Gallery Route One is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

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