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11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

Nueve Fotografas Latinas y las mujeres que las inspiran / Nine Latina Photographers and the women who inspire them

Photographic portraits of North Bay women in positions of leadership

For the past two years, GRO’s Latino Photography Project students have captured images of leading community women. Among others, we are introduced to Esther Vidrio Tejeda through Ana Maria Ramirez’s photograph of Esther holding her wedding portrait. Esther is a leader and a godmother to many locals from her home town of Atemajac Mexico. Jessica Oliva has created a striking image of Madeline Hope, a West Marin artist and community leader.

The culmination of a special documentary project supported by a grant from the West Marin Fund, the exhibit explores the nature of women’s leadership as experienced not only by each photographer, but by the women who inspire them as well. Common to all their stories are the myriad external and internal obstacles women continue to face, whether familial, societal, legal or cultural, as they discover distinctly individual paths to empowerment.

Exhibiting photographers of  She Inspires Me: Agustina Martinez, Ana Maria Ramirez, Beatriz Gomez, Gisela Alvarado, Isela Orozco, Jessica Oliva, Maricela Mora, Rosa Rodriguez, and Teresa Gutierrez

Video Reception

Artist Talk

Photographers discuss their work and their new book

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