Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

I make texture driven, abstract painting, realized in both plaster and oils.

While living in Italy, I started experimenting with a technique that combines painting, drawing, and plaster. This allows me to take advantage of the structural integrity of ancient building materials while developing a personal vocabulary. I question the idea that there need be a division between the decorative and fine arts by making large-scale pieces that create an environment. These concepts are worked through in smaller scale pieces.

For the past 5 years, I have been inspired by the transcendental quality found in nature and its capacity to provoke feelings of both profound solemnity and an unpredictable strength. Multiple layers of plaster and paint invoke the passing of time, energy dispersed, created and renewed. Main influences are Anselm Kiefer and Antoni Tapies, for their use of texture and text, and John Cage, for his experimentation with chance.

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