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11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

February 14 – March 22

DANE SINGH is a Gallery Route One Fellow for 2019-2020

Exploring a variety of emotional states, Dane Singh presents a series of figurative drawings depicting ambiguous bodies in anguish. Dark psychological conditions of being and an inner sense of turmoil become manifest through kinetic human forms.

Singh relies upon an extensive knowledge of formal technique through his use of materials such as charcoal and paint. Working with a variety of surfaces which metaphorically reference psychological states, he represents emotions through the physical evidence left behind after creating and destroying surfaces. His work acts as a visual language that can articulate subjective states in order to convey the experience of explosive internal conflict and vulnerability. In his work Singh relies upon traditional additive and subtractive drawing methods in conjunction with unconventional mark-making tools to gouge and scar prepared surfaces. He alternately uses his body as a tool to leave marks on polished surfaces; the goal of these physical interactions is to create bridges to the experiences which are made manifest through the artmaking gestures themselves.

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