Gallery Route One logo
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday

December 6, 2013 – January 12, 2014

Work by twelve artists from the Lucid Art Foundation Residency Program, 2012-2013
Curated by Fariba Bogzaran

Exhibiting Artists: Jane Ingram Allen with photographer Tim Allen, Cindy Cleary, Jeanne Jesse, David King, Candace Loheed, Jacqueline Mallegni, t.c moore, Airiel Mulvaney, Adrien Segal, Kari Stoltenberg, Chelsea Wills and Devon Sampson.

The goal of the Lucid Art Residency Program is to provide emerging and established artists a serene, retreat-like environment for creative exploration inspired by living close to nature. The exhibition presents artwork made by artists who were residents at the Foundation during 2012–2013.

The Lucid Art Foundation encourages contemplative nonfigurative exploration through automatism, multi-media, conceptual, eco-art and interdisciplinary approaches. Inquiry into arts and consciousness is at the heart of the Foundation’s vision and our residency program. For more information about the Lucid Art Foundation and the Residency Program, visit the Lucid Art Foundation website.

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