11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday


Grant, Marsha – Escape

THE BOX: “Escape” by Marsha Grant

After a lengthy absence from the box show and an even lengthier absence from a genuinely committed art practice (unless you count Extreme Crafting as “Art”), the mental exercise of making “Escape” has brought renewal and rehabilitation to my work focussed Covid-Response-Nurse brain. Being immersed in the process and the ability to reconnect to my core has been a profound healing moment.

This box, this escaping mythical woman has helped to clarify my future. Literally and figuratively to get out of my box, to go wherever the next deep dive takes me. The tentacles became a source of love and fragility. The fight to hold oneself and that slippery yearning for all the things. Maybe I will get them, maybe I won’t.

An empty box can be so many things. A fresh start, a hiding place, a place to grow, and a place to leave.

This box was inspired by my fears and worry for the future of our oceans and sealife. Should you choose to donate to my passion charity
Ocean Conservancy here is a quick link.


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