11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Thursday – Monday


Decker, Donita – What Do You See Now

Story of the Box


The question “What do you see now” is a big question for everyone.

This box invites us to explore this as we come out of Covid restrictions and lockdowns into a changed world. People are now experiencing a mixture of emotions including hope, joy, fear, anxiety and more. And yes, thinking “What will be coming next?”

This room has been and continues to be a room of safety filled with items to help support the spirit. Flowers, plants, crystals, pictures, a family photo, an open book, are all there. So is the clock as a reminder of how precious and limited our time in this world truly is. The rabbit invites us to explore our universe. The mirror is a central piece, one that we can look into and and see ourselves, and perhaps, beyond our normal day to day existence.


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